Hello World! Info for the blog.
Jan 18, 2015
Hi there!
Welcome to my blog!
I hope you find something useful....
Hello World! Info for the blog.
Jan 18, 2015 · by UnickDesigns
Hi there!
Welcome to my blog!
I hope you find something useful and interesting for you here.
For what is this blog about?
In this blog I think to post many different design related articles like inspiration, freebies, design reviews, maybe some designer interviews and many other stuff.
There will be some rubrics like:
Design Talk: "Artist Name" - In this rubric I will try to interview web designers and artists about their job, how they started etc.
Free Stocks On Focus: "Theme" - Here I will share 10 free stocks in the theme (e.g. nature) that are HD and will be useful for designs and digital stuff.
Inspiration: "Theme" - This is pretty obvious. Some inspiration.
Design Trends On Focus: "Theme" - I will try to analyze and discuss the latest trends.
There will be many other posts so stay tuned!
Getting Inspired Properly
Jan 28, 2015
Sharing some thoughts on how to get properly inspired.
Getting Inspired Properly
Jan 18, 2015 · by UnickDesigns
So lets say that you want or have to create a web design. The theme will be 'housing services'. The client wants minimalistic approach with fresh colours. In the homepage he wants the usual stuff/navbar, interesting slider, etc/.
What will you do?
Let say you have never created housing services web design before. You will search for inspiration. So you do your homework and search all the creative sites for isnpiration and you find awesome designs that you like.
What will you do?
The average designer would save the links and when he starts to work he will watch from them. Bassically he will copy.
What should you do?
Something simillar. Tap the screenshot button and save all the designs you like in a folder. What you should do is to try to understand why the design is approached this way and why do you like it. Is it the creativity or the organised look.
Look at the screenshots you made for 1-2 minutes try to analyze them and then close the pictures and the folder and start scetching your design AND NEVER EVER try to see them before you finish your design. If you see them you will bassiclly start copying them.
Make your inspiration folder bigger. Know why you made those screenshots. Did you like the look of that button or the hover effect that is made but when you are designing never open the folder.
In order to get proper inspiration without copying 1:1 the design you should be able to supress the need to open the image again. The idea is to get a vision of your next design without copying from others.
Hope I helped you.
Happy designing.